Gaming Books

Casino-ology 2: New Strategies for Managing Casino Games
by Bill Zender
In Casino-ology 2, Zender again confronts the gaming world’s status quo, bringing to light new strategies for harnessing evolving technologies, adapting to evolving customer profiles and psychologies, and improving game protection in light of the emergence of more sophisticated advantage players and cheats. Among the topics covered are the effects of buy-in churn on hold percentage; the side-bet explosion; effective dealer scheduling; banking games in California; money lending and the Asian customer; the merits of using pre-shuffled playing cards, match play and promotional-chip programs; the cell-phone and card-counter conundrum; and an updated look at the player-error rate in blackjack. Zender brings it all together in the service of the singular goal of further refining the art of casino management. Paper bound, 314 pages.
Casino-ology: The Art of Managing Casino Games
by Bill Zender
Casino-ology explores different methods for maximizing the profit potential of casino table games. This book examines the benefits of game pace and achieving more game decisions while busting myths on card counting counter-measures. It also includes ideas on better game protection, customer service, and employee management. 306 pages, paper bound, 2008.
by Bill Zender
Written by a true expert of the game, with a background as Gaming Control Agent, instructor and manager, this book is for players and dealers. Discusses playing strategies, procedures, game protection, rules, advice and strategies. Illustrated. Fascinating section on how players cheat and countermeasures. 80 pages, 8 x 11, paperbound. 1989.
by Bill Zender
For players, management and dealers. Contains rules of play, procedures and strategies; a section on getting the most profit from the game; game protection; a list of house strategies. Covers early hand surrender, the Dragon (without a joker), prepaid commission variations plus the Optimal Two Pairs rule--the most important game/rule strategy. 83 pages, paperbound, 1991.
by Bill Zender
The information here has never been made available to the general public in the past. Till now, it's been the domain of casino surveillance experts...and the cheats themselves, Players who have suspected casino (and private game) cheating might be surprised by some of the revelations here. Casino execs will find a wealth of information on how their dealers might do them in. Dozens of methods discussed, including the Short Deck; Cooler Decks; Selective Up Card; Switching the Hole Card. 164 pages, paperbound, 1999.
by Bill Zender
The House always worries about counters. The well-respected casino executive and former player explains to both management and players how to understand True Count conversion; how a player may deviate from Basic Strategy; what Bet Spread and Bankroll requirements really amount to and the legalities of barring players. Explains cheating techniques like front-loading, spooking, first- basing, warps. 138 pages, in 8x11 plastic spiralbound. 1990.
by Bill Zender
The author of Card Counting for the Casino Executive here presents a book packed with information on how advantage players are making money off the casinos. This is great stuff if you work for a casino but it's not information that advantage players want the casinos to know. A former casino manager and agent with NV Gaming Control, Zender has plenty of advantage play knowledge to share. But, if they are going to have this knowledge, then expert card players should have it as well. Zender covers blackjack in detail, explaining the intricacies of hole carding, shuffle tracking, key card location, and other advantage blackjack techniques. He also discusses biased roulette wheels, rhythmic dice rolling, and full-pay video poker. Slot club points and comps are also covered, and the book includes several pictures, diagrams, tables, and references. Large-format plastic spiralbound, 170 pages, April, 2006.